Evolution, Inc. since 1979

Premium finance software for insurance agents

Have you ever heard the phrase “You're sitting on a goldmine!” Right now you are probably giving away up to $140 of premium finance charges per $1000 of premium to someone else. And to top it off you are probably doing most of the work by quoting and sending in new loans to the premium finance company and even calling policyholders when they are late. Are you ready to defy this hard economy, soft market? Doing premium financing yourself can help increasing your income.

Time after time we’ve heard agents tell us they have made more money by doing premium finance than on the insurance itself. Evolution has an affordable premium finance software solution that will help you make more money. read more...

Are you ready to calculate your future profit? Call us and we will show you how money you are giving away for FREE or almost free. Call 913-384-2654 X 105 we can help.

  • Evolution makes financing your own business easy with simple guides to walk you through running a premium finance business and top tier software with extensive business rules to keep you on track.
  • You can use the same caliber of software large finance companies use for a much smaller price with Evolutions sliding scale designed to help Agents and Agencies of all sizes get into the industry at an affordable prince.
  • For more information and a white paper on agent's premium financing email us.

Contact us to get more information about premium finance software for agents.