Evolution, Inc. since 1979

The best insurance premium finance software

Premium finance guidelines


Why should you have to adapt to software when Evolution's software can adapt to you? Get the best premium finance software you can. You have found it here..

Our position was earned never given. Our software has passed both procedural and accounting audits as well as performance and volumetric stress tests by Fortune 500 companies just to make sure it was not going to fail in any manner.  

Some startup's say "I'm not big enough to use your software.", others say "I'm still learning what I need to do." Our answer - If you get the assurance you need for no extra cost, then why not sleep better at night.

Others might say "Evolution does not run their own premium finance company", as if we are not qualified. Per our December 2004 poll, our software was responsible for 13.9 billion in premium booked and over 1.1 million loans. Kind of shoots running you own in the foot. We spend our time with new innovations.

internal operationsEvolution blazed a tremendous amount of behind-the-scenes technology like counter fraud measures, day money runs out, specific tools for the manages and accountants, retention, renewals, ways to lower your unit cost, user management control, workflow processes, automatic form(s) imaging, save a tree features, an accounting engine and complex business rules to prevent operators from making mistakes and more. Most of these you will never see when looking at our software they just happen. Let us show you how we can help your business, over and above the average software demo is like.

These days it’s hard to find software that can help you grow, is easy to use, affordable and let's you decide where you want the software to reside (on your server or in the cloud) while delivering the functionality you need to remain competitive.

We invite you to take a closer look, it could easily change your prospective and it's affordable. Call us @ 913-384-2654, takes about 20 minutes to connect up and give you a quick look. 

Daily back office operations


It's difficult to sum up what it took 43 calendar years and hundreds of man years to create, refine, polish and perfect. Simply put Back Office+™ is the best. It is simple to learn and use. In the cloud/web or in-house/computers, your choice.

internal operationsOne should look at software as you would an iceberg. You see only one tenth of it. The real mass is the nine tenths that make up the so important business rules that prevent operator error while guiding them through processes without worry or snags. At the same time daily operations should make the accounting side disappear for the user yet still be there for customer service or accounting personnel.

Functionality is surpassed by none. Lower unit costs with improved workflow for all processes. Bring your task we probably have you covered. Other "thinking outside the box" functionality like Rater integration, carrier billing integration, outsource printing, renewals, insurance policy commissions, borrowing base certificate, marketing reps, private label plans, securitization to name a few that you may need to compete or grow your business.

Innovation, we have always led the way while others try and follow like bilingual forms ability. In fact another innovation is this e-mail was sent by Rapid Fire™ that integrates with Back Office+ for marketing and newsletters. Seeing is believing, call today.

Back Office+ is also very flexible: You can configure the software to run your business your way!

Back Office+ ships ready to enter new loans with pre-built forms, reports, all state laws, insurance companies and MGAs. Just add your agents, do a quick review and you will be on your way.

Back Office+ has so many other features that we can't possibly fit into this small space, so we invite you to call to learn more.

Some key time saving features include:

Paperless office – This feature allows our customers to designate forms for imaging. Each time a form is printed it images an exact duplicate is created electronically for storage (no scanning). In addition any document can be scanned and attached to a loan. Whether scanned or created electronically any image can be printed, emailed or faxed at anytime from within the software directly from the operator's desktop. No need to leave their desk, search through file cabinets, etc. now it's a few simple button clicks and less than time and effort.

For the manager – A complete section designed for the manager. Ideas and needs from all sizes of premium finance companies.

For the accountant – A complete section designed for accounting. We will amaze you with the reporting capabilities of our full debit / credit accounting. Save time and money by improving accounting efficiencies with our software.

We can go on, so call us and let's talk.

Your internet storefront


Your internet storefront is via Accounts .Net™ that gives agents and policyholders a variety of functions to best serve them while lowering your unit cost. Viewed as the easiest to maneuver.

internal operationsUnlike other vendors, our Accounts .Net™ allows Real-Time controlled functionality on a need-to-know basis.  This provides you with leading edge, cloud technology that has real time integration to Back Office+.

You can change it to match your website, see example at right.

You will have a secured, password protected site, which allows policyholders and agents to inquire on the current status of their account with lots of features that make you look like a huge premium finance company. In addition there is nothing for the agent or the policy holder to install, they simply use their favorite web browser to view their accounts.

Policyholders expect good service. They can view account activity (English or Spanish), payments, endorsements, due dates, dates payments were applied etc. They can also make an online payments by check, credit card or ACH..

Agents are your point of sale. See how you can support them by supplying them with easy to use tools they need to view policyholder account activity, payments, endorsements, due dates, dates payments were applied etc. . You can offer efficient and flexible quoting, contract and coupon preparation, new loan submittal as well as reporting to meet your agent’s needs. Plus the system can interface with most agency quoting software. This is so cool you will have to see it.

Both policyholders and agents can view the policyholder transaction history that shows all financial terms and information including balance information, payments, endorsements, adjustments, refunds and more.

Use this to reduce phone calls and emails from customers and agents. This frees up your people to concentrate on processing your book of business rather than constantly answering phone calls and emails.

These are just a few of our cost saving features. Call 913-384-2654 today to schedule a 20 minute online presentation.

Your success


Education is the key to utilization

If you want to get the most out of the software and your employees, training is your most effective tool. Even though you may not use the training aids it is still important to read this section so that you know what is available.

internal operationsOur software tutorial is a step-by-step tutorial which walks the user through 4 months of processing in the Training area. The data in the training area can be deleted and reloaded over and over again. Combine this with the video help files for extra benefit.

The software includes video help files which walk the operator through the most important processes within the software. The operator can view the video help files and then go practice the process in the training area while using the software tutorial.

On-line Help Click on the question marks in the software to launch the help files or use the menu item on the main menu.

Our "Premium Finance Course" deals with the basic terminology and work flow within the premium finance industry. The main purpose of the course is to get everyone to understand and use the same terminology. Use the pre-test for a new hire quiz. Use the post-test to find out where your staff may need a better understanding.

All of these tools are available to each of our customers and if used will greatly increase your employees’ ability to utilize the software and their time.

Software License Pricing


2 different ways to license our software.

1) Pay as you grow or 2) a full license with no open account fees for the larger companies. We believe you will easily cost justify the change.

Our newest method "Pay as you grow" means you don't pay until you earn it. The monthly license fees fluctuates up or down depending on that months business.

The license fee is drawn from one of seven levels you get to choose from then is based upon a percentage of each months business per the level you chose.

Did I mention it is done with Evolution's Self-Bill™ so you don't pay until you earn it.

Oh, and you can change levels at any time to save money.

It may sound complicated but it is quite simple and easily auditable. A picture is worth a thousand words so call us 913-384-2654 and we can show you the full details.

Evolution is

Progress through Change with Performance


For innovation Evolution is the clear leader when it comes to innovation, functionality, support, accounting, information access, and more.  We made it better and faster, forcing others to follow.

We were the first to bring so many features, some simple like an on-line manual, some harder like internet real-time access or allowing operators to fax or email forms from their desktop. My point is innovation will lead you into the future. We lead other vendors try to follow.

Example it took some of the other vendors about 12 years after us to even release their Windows product. You say, what does that matter? I say, Can you really count on them?

Evolution was the first to have or allow:

  1. Remote 24x7 Real-Time access to data
  2. Collections process
  3. Building and maintaining form(s) control
  4. Policy driven system
  5. DMRO – day money runs out
  6. Reverse an endorsement
  7. On-line manual
  8. Remotely run the entire software
  9. Full working copy of software to load and run in your office to try to break

As of 2014, Evolution believes we are the only vendor that has or allows:

  1. Agents to remote print any imaged form on an account with the replica being so accurate it would be hard to tell the original from the replica.
  2. The ability to fax or email imaged forms without leaving software
  3. Ad hoc forms, create body text on the fly
  4. A marketing spearhead within the software
  5. Agent driven system
  6. Automatic form(s) imaging, no scanning
  7. Bilingual forms and multi-part forms (each entities copy can be different)
  8. Duplex forms, forms print queue, group forms per entity
  9. Debit/Credit accounting with full audit trail
  10. Private Label Plans complete with separate balance sheets and forms
  11. 5 different balances above the standard 3 (payables, receivables, collections)
  12. Superbill
  13. Multiple balance sheets
  14. Securitization
  15. More than 2 or 3 financing methods
  16. Multiple loans per insured
  17. A self-study course in premium finance
  18. Transfer customers refund within business rules guidelines
  19. Who did it? Including who, date and time tracking of every transaction
  20. Automatic note entry on an account
  21. A training/test area on your computer

The bottom line is, our Competitors may still be trying to catch us; however, it was our innovation and knowledge that got us here first. As they try to catch us we keep blazing new future ideas. It doesn't matter how much money you pour into it some things just can’t go quickly and if it were easy, more people would be doing it. There are things in life that cannot be accomplished quickly.  Good software is one of them.

State of the art


Back Office+™ and Accounts .Net™ are based on Microsoft's .Net framework and other state-of-the-art tools. Completely compatible with all Windows desktop versions later than Windows XP, excluding Window's Bob and all Windows server versions.

Accounts .Net™, the internet storefront works on smart phone, tablet or desktop no worries. Meets multiple technology standards.

Our software has passed both procedural and accounting audits as well as stress tests by Fortune 500 companies.

Evolution is constantly upgrading its technology in operating systems, software development tools, internal skill and more.  Since 1979 (43 years), we have led this industry in many ways and continue to do so!

We released our Windows product in 1993. By 2008 other vendors have had over 12 years to catch us and some still didn't or just finally released theirs in almost 15 years after us. Then they try to say they are innovative and leaders. Give me a break! LOL.

2016, we continue to lead the premium finance industry as a software vendor.

Contact Us


Since 1979 (43 years) we've led the pack in developing high performance enterprise solutions for the premium finance industry. By staying ahead of emerging technologies we have become empowered to go beyond just servicing our client base to improving their position in the marketplace.

Call at: 913-384-2654 ext. 1 for salesEmail us: sales@evolutioninc.com or visit: www.evolutioninc.com