Evolution, Inc. since 1979
How can I leverage more of my Capital?
Back to FAQBy securing a bank loan or a line of credit, you can fund/finance additional customers and, consequently, generating increased returns per dollar.
For Example,
Let’s use $100,000 as an example for line of credit.
We will then leverage that with the bank line of credit of 80/90 %. At a leveraging ratio of 4.
By securing a bank line of credit at 80/90 % your new loan or line of credit is now $320,000 at 80% and $360,000 at 90%.
After leveraging your Capital with a bank line of credit your lending power now changes to $420,000 at 80% with your invested capital and at 90% it increases to $460,000.
Evolution can demonstrate this lending power plus much more in our proforma.